Consulting from an Engineering Perspective

Hi, I’m Jeff Girard with The Concrete Countertop Institute.

I don’t have slick photos of myself to show you. This photo is from my one and only professional photo shoot, during an alumni event in 2019. I hope you like it, because it’s all I’ve got!

What I do have is almost 2 decades of experience teaching and consulting all over the world, and the success stories of the thousands of people I’ve helped. I’m here to help you create YOUR success story, not to brag about myself.

Although you should know, I’m an engineer. I can’t help it, I was born that way. I went on to become a Licensed Professional Engineer specializing in Civil Engineering – you know, the people who can create bridges and buildings that won’t fall down.

I approach everything from an engineering problem solving standpoint, based on sound scientific principles. My approach is not based on experience that comes from making mistakes over and over and eventually finding solutions but not understanding *why* those solutions work. I can tell you why.

Design is great, and a lot of the creativity that goes into problem solving also helps me with design. A designer can make a building look good, but an engineer can make sure it doesn’t fall down. Who would you rather have on your team?

engineering based pro concrete countertop training

I would be remiss not to mention as well that I’m recognized as an industry leader and a technical expert – not as an entertainer, but by global industry conferences as a presenter: World of Concrete, IWF, StoneExpo, and Surfaces.

Enough about me. How can consulting help you?

One on one consulting is a great option if you need specialized help due to the nature of your projects or the location of your shop.

I don’t recommend it as a substitute for basic training. However, if you have several employees and need basic training for all of them in your shop, I can travel to you at my standard consulting rate.

I do recommend consulting if you are an established concrete professional who wants to expand or has a specific troubleshooting issue. If you are located in a unique location and need help sourcing ingredients and setting up your shop, consulting can help with that.

Here is a small sampling of the ways I have actual consulting experience helping people all over the world:


Matti Mannonen, Finland

I traveled to Matti’s design studio in Finland in August 2010, and helped Matti with production and quality control issues in his shop, located in Estonia.


Tony Zammit, New Zealand

I traveled to New Zealand in November 2018 to train Tony and his staff on large scale production methods using a GFRC sprayer.

Mark Le Provost, Guernsey

Mark is one of my Ultimate alumni, and he had a particularly challenging project that I provided engineering design for via email.

Justin Lim, Singapore

I traveled to Singapore in December 2017. Justin had attended Ultimate training in the U.S., but needed help training all of his employees hands on.

Tammy & Ron Morgan, WY

I traveled to Wyoming in August 2020 for an in-shop beginner training for Tammy and Ron, as they preferred not to travel.


Dylan Myers, Maryland

Dylan is one of my star Ultimate alumni, and has done many amazing projects. On this particular project, I helped Dylan with the engineering design via phone and email.


My standard rate for consulting is $2000 per day, plus travel expenses. If you are located somewhere particularly desireable, we can work out a package price. I also offer hourly consulting via phone and email for $250 per hour. I generally do not offer consulting in my shop, because it is used for research and development.


Before you reveal all your problems, formulas, methods, etc. to me, I will sign a non-disclosure agreement that protects both of us. A part of my civil engineering career, I worked with the Department of Defense at a clearance level that I can’t reveal. Your secrets will be safe with me!

Next Steps

If you’re interested in consulting, please Contact Us and let us know a little about your situation and goals.