Alpha Pro 19mm AR Glass Fibers for GFRC


Alpha Pro Fibers are simply better than other AR glass fibers for GFRC:

  • They achieve exceptional performance at lower doses, which saves you money.
  • They are less visible than other AR glass fibers, which makes your concrete look better.
  • They maintain excellent strand integrity during mixing, which makes your concrete stronger.
  • They exhibit exceptional flow characteristics during casting, which makes your job easier.

Alpha Pro Fibers are simply better than other AR glass fibers for GFRC. Here's how:

  • They achieve exceptional performance at lower doses, which saves you money.
  • They are less visible than other AR glass fibers, which makes your concrete look better.
  • They maintain excellent strand integrity during mixing, which makes your concrete stronger.
  • They exhibit exceptional flow characteristics during casting, which makes your job easier.

Here's why:

Alpha Pro Fibers use 14 µm filaments in 200 filament bundles. Conventional AR glass fibers tend to be heavier, high tex strands (135 tex or more) made using 18 µm filaments. This means each kilogram of Alpha Pro Fibers has 65% more fibers than thicker and heavier 135 tex fibers.

This balance of a lower filament diameter, greater number of fibers, and higher than normal tensile strength results in a premix fiber that exhibits higher performance at lower doses. CCI recommends a fiber dose of 2.5% for these fibers. So the fiber weight is 2.5% of the total weight of concrete made, which includes the fibers and water. This means that for every 97.5 lbs of material in the base concrete mix, 2.5 lbs of AR glass fibers are added to make 100 lbs of GFRC.

Another key benefit to lower tex fibers is reduced visibility in direct cast concrete surfaces.

Alpha Pro Fibers are coated with a unique sizing. "Sizing" is a thin, homogeneous coating applied to the surface of fibers during the manufacturing process to protect the filaments during handling. Alpha Pro Fiber's sizing is a unique formulation that ensures excellent strand integrity during mixing and exceptional flow characteristics during casting.

Alpha Pro chopped AR glass fibers are manufactured with a zirconia content in compliance with ASTM C1666/C 1666/M-07 and EN 15422 and under the recommendations of PCI and GRCA.


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