FREE! How to Make Precast DIY Concrete Countertops (with Mix Design)



Get this FREE high content online training on How to Make a Precast DIY Concrete Countertop (with Mix Design)!

Take the mystery out of how to create your first DIY concrete countertop.

A message from Jeff Girard:

"When I think back to my very first concrete countertop, I remember how confusing the whole process was. Every little step involved figuring out what felt like a textbook's worth of learning. Every answer just lead to more questions.

Are you feeling that way about the concrete creation you've been dreaming of? In this webinar, I will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to create something you can be proud of.

I will step you through every single step of the process and explain what to do, and also why to do it that way. I will remove all of the pitfalls and confusion, so that you can be confident to get going on your first concrete creation."

You will learn:

  • Clear instructions for each step: templating, forming, mixing, casting, curing, polishing, sealing and installing.
  • A simple, from-scratch mix design that really works!
  • Exactly what equipment you need - and don't need.

Fill out the form below to access this free seminar. Do not click the Add to Cart button.

* Note: Some of the from-scratch mix ingredients are available from large home centers such as Home Depot, some must be obtained from decorative concrete contractor supply stores, and a couple of essential specialty ingredients must be ordered. There is no way around this. We have absolutely minimized the number of specialty ingredients without compromising quality.