Latest Cool Concrete Countertop Projects by Students

Recently I’ve had several students send me photos of cool concrete countertop, bartop or sink projects they’ve been working on. Check these out!

Brent Gwynn of Pro Builders Construction in Rices Landing, PA

man casting concrete countertop slab with buckets in background concrete countertop with logo embedded being transported on truck concrete countertop with logo in store

Brent attended the Ultimate Concrete Countertop Training class in March 2012, and just a few short weeks later, he was installing this concrete retail counter for a local beer store. Congrats Brent! I hope you get free beer as part of the deal. (Nice shop too! Very impressive organization.)

Ajaay Srinivaas of Nuance Studio in Bangalore, India

white custom integral concrete sink in shop terra cotta colored custom integral concrete sink brass logo embedded in concrete countertop

I visited Bangalore, India to train Ajaay in late March/early April 2012. Since then, he’s been flooded with orders for concrete sinks, or “washbasins” as he likes to call them. I’m so excited about the innovative designs he’s come up with, and the fine detail of the craftsmanship. Great job Ajaay! (See my article about the India trip here.)

Shorlette Francis of Creative Collections in Nassau, Bahamas

person grinding concrete countertops on beach in Bahamas closeup of white concrete countertop with beach glass and shells embedded woman standing behind curved concrete countertop

Shorlette attended precast and GFRC class in 2008 and has been plugging away ever since. As you can see, she has horrible working conditions. 😉 This concrete bartop incorporated classic Caribbean elements of shells and beach glass, and it looks fantastic. Shorlette, I will have to come down there and celebrate with you!