In the last article, I discussed the debate between staining and scratching of concrete countertop sealers, and I mentioned the importance of repairing any scratches that do occur.
The Repairing Process
Omega Concrete Countertop Sealer is easily repairable by either a professional re-application of Omega or by a homeowner process using readily available materials (automotive clearcoat paint touchup pen). The homeowner process is fully explained in a document available after purchase of Omega. The document is designed for you to print out and give to clients upon installation. There is also a Care & Maintenance document provided.
This article focuses on the professional scratch repair process for Omega. The process is straightforward: first clean the countertops, then sand out the scratches, then reapply at least 2 finish coats to restore the surface.
Step One – Clean/repair the countertops
Evaluate the extent of the damage. The easiest scratch repair is one where the cuts or scratches don’t penetrate the sealer and expose the underlying concrete. These scratches can be handled with minimal effort: simply proceed to Step 2.
If the scratches were touched up by the client using the CCI Scratch Repair Instructions, then the touchup pen clearcoat should be first removed before resealing. Use a paper towel and straight acetone to scrub away the touchup clearcoat, ensuring all of it has been removed prior to resealing. Proceed to Step 2.
If the cuts or scratches penetrate into the concrete, more work may be needed to restore the countertops before proceeding with scratch repair. All stains and damage must be eliminated before resealing, otherwise, they will be permanently locked into the concrete. Please see this article for a detailed process for removing stains and oil.
Step 2 – Sand out scratches
Evenly sand to achieve a smooth, well-scuffed surface over the entire surface of the slab.
Once all stains are eliminated, clean the surface that is to be resealed to remove any traces of dirt, oil or other contaminants (like wax). Surface dirt, debris, and oil can be removed by first using household cleaners (Windex, Simple Green, etc.), and then made very clean using a lint-free cloth wetted with a mixture of 50% acetone and 50% water.
Lightly dry sand the surface to be resealed with regular 320 grit sandpaper to remove any ridges in the sealer. Do not sand down to bare concrete. Scratches in the surface will gradually be filled during the resealing process. Evenly sand to achieve a smooth, well-scuffed surface over the entire surface of the slab.
Step 3 – Apply 2 finish coats
Apply 2 finish coats over the sanded areas.
Spot repairs can be done, but there may be a sheen difference between the existing surrounding sealer and the new repair. Ideally, you reseal the whole countertop, seam to seam, in order to maintain an even sheen across the whole slab. No priming is necessary. Apply 2 finish coats over the sanded areas.
If you’ve never tried Omega Concrete Countertop SealerTMÂ , the time is now! Purchase either the sealer or the full starter kit today and experience a new kind of sealer for your concrete projects. Click here.