Free Training Inspiration DIY Training Fundamentals How Concrete Works (5)Admixtures (5)CSA Cement (9)Mix Design (13)Fibers (5)ECC (2) GFRC Casting Methods Cast in Place (4)Precast (1)GFRC Casting (2) Coloring and Finishing Color Consistency (3)Pigments (6)Exposed Aggregate (3) Shop Setup & Equipment Shop Setup (3)GFRC Equipment (1)Mixers (3) Templating Forming and Molds Forming Basics (8)Advanced Molds (8) Reinforcing Mixing Casting Curing Processing Grouting (1)Diamond Pads (5)Diamond Polishers (3) Sealing Sealer Basics (12)Surface Preparation (2)Omega Sealer (7)Ovation Sealer (5) Installation Troubleshooting Business Topics Design Inspiration Industry Issues Podcasts Browse Our Knowledge Base This is all your fault! How Buddy Rhodes used clay and gunpowder to start the concrete countertop industry.Polymer in Concrete Countertops: Who needs it?Plywood Violin – Crafting Masterpieces: The Symphony of Select MaterialsWhere to Buy Concrete Countertop SealerYour Concrete Countertop Mix is NOT as Important as You ThinkHow to Create Texture in Concrete with Baking SodaCan I Use Steel Reinforcing in GFRC?Instructions for How to Apply Ovation DIY Concrete Countertop SealerThe Biggest Mistake DIYers Make with Concrete CountertopsHow to Combine Omega and Ovation Concrete Countertop SealersHow to do Stain Resistance Test for Concrete Countertop SealersComparison Between Omega and Ovation Concrete Countertop Sealer4 123456789101112131415161718192021 5
This is all your fault! How Buddy Rhodes used clay and gunpowder to start the concrete countertop industry.